Examples of results achieved by Josquin Consultancy:
- Raised the employability from 40% to 102% >> risk of work getting on hold due to capacity problems subsequently decreased from 60% to 0%,
- Reducing the lead time of steel product assembly with 12,5 %,
- Reducing the lead time of the revision process of a motor product with 50%,
- Stopping team managers from spending time on daily arrangements and making them really focus on leading the team,
- Raising the efficiency of the “testing and repairing” process by 15%,
- Discovering and applying the method ‘Best Practices’: from 1 to 9 times a day,
- Work quality increases from 3/10 to 16/20 and absenteeism decreases from 7% to 3,5 %.
Josquin Consultancy offers several programs for workshops and training days. Everything is optimized for the specific demands of your company.
Franc Josquin is known for his style without complications; analyzing the company situation together and working towards solutions with you.
Core competences:
- Facilitating conferences, workshops or strategy meetings,
- Executing an action-learning programme: “Improving the product manager”,
- Organizing and leading client/users-conferences, e.g. to start up Supply Chain Management,
- Supporting internal reorganisations: making the scenario, consulting the Steering Committee, with Franc Josquin active in the role of “change manager”,
- Organisation analyses based on Lean Working and IO-technique; identifying quick improvements and carrying them out with people in the organisation!
- Coaching of people in charge during their work,
- Teambuilding: scope – targets – competences & roles,
- Setting up communicaton strategy and making current communication plans,
- Reducing the meeting hours by half: optimizing the tuning between the several departments.
Examples of services (examples currently in Dutch only, inquire for further English explanation)